CEDPO was founded in September 2011 by European Data Protection Organisations, namely, AFCDP (Association Française des Correspondants à la Protection des Données à Caractère Personnel) of France, APEP (Asociación Profesional Española de Privacidad) of Spain, GDD (Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Datensicherheit) of Germany, and NGFG (Nederlands Genootschap van Functionarissen voor de Gegevensbescherming) of the Netherlands. In February 2014, ADPO (The Association of Data Protection Officers) of Ireland, ARGE DATEN of Austria, and SABI (Stowarzyszenie Inspektorów Ochrony Danych) of Poland joined CEDPO. The latest to additions to CEDPO took place between 2018-2020 when ASSO DPO (Associazione Data Protection Officer) of Italy, AEPD (Associação de Encarregados de Proteção de Dados) of Portugal and ASCPD (Asociatia Specialistilor in Confidentialitate si Protectia Datelor) of Romania became member associations.

CEDPO founding members
CEDPO aims to
- promote the role of the Data Protection Officer,
- provide advice on balanced, practicable and effective data protection, and to
- contribute to a better harmonisation of data protection law and practices in the EU/EEA.
In this light, position papers on legislative proposals such as the General Data Protection Regulation have been produced and presented to representatives of the EU Commission, the Parliament and the Council. In addition, CEDPO has made several contributions to other legislative and practical aspects of data protection.
CEDPO is currently advising the European Commission on the application of the GDPR as member of a Multi Stakeholder Expert Group. We also participate regularly at Workshops of the European Data Protection Board in order to provide our practical view on GDPR related topics.