Europen Union
COREPER publishes final text for Digital Markets Act
The COREPER approved and published on 12 May 2022, the final text of the provisional agreement for the DMA. This final text contains no further changes compared to the last amended version from April 18.
You can access the approved final text, here.
EDPB publishes its 2021 annual activity report
The EDPB published on 12 May 2022, its annual activity report for 2021.
This report contains, among other things, a useful overview of the general guidelines, opinions and decisions adopted in 2021 as well as a summary of the activity of the data protection authority of each member state.
You can access the report, here.
National Authorities
France: CNIL publishes its 2021 Activity Report
The CNIL published on 12 May 2022, its “2021 Activity Report.” It reviews the highlights and key figures of the CNIL’s activities.
Some key elements :
- The creation of a personal data “sandbox” for health.
- The CNIL responded to 22 parliamentary hearings and issued 121 opinions on bills, 16 of which concerned data processing in response to COVID-19.
- 576 health authorizations processed and issued 54 research authorizations regarding COVID-19 issued.
- 14,143 complaints lodged with the CNIL and 12,522 were closed.
- 43% of data breach notifications received in 2021 concern an attack by a ransomware
- 135 formal notices and 18 sanctions with fines exceeding 214 million euros.
- Of the 18 sanctions imposed by the CNIL, half involve a breach of security of personal data,
You can read the report, only available in French here.
UK: The Government announces a data protection reform
The UK government announced on 10 May, in the Queen’s Speech, its intentions to reform the UK data protection regime.
However, the speech did not detail the extent of the reform, which is expected in the coming weeks.
The changes could affect the adequacy between the EU and the UK.
You can read the Queen’s Speech, here.