National Authorities
LfDI Baden-Württemberg launches a tool for creating data protection notices
The Baden-Württemberg data protection authority announced, on 5 october 2021, that it had launched LfDI-Tool DS-GVO.clever to help small companies create their data protection notices quickly and easily.
The LfDI-Tool DS-GVO.clever provides concrete and effective help to organisations to create data protection notices. This new version contains numerous ressources, such as explanatory videos and practical guides.
You can read the press release here and access the tool here, both only available in German.
CNIL publishes white paper on data protection in payment services
The CNIL announced, on 6 october 2021, that it had published a white paper on data protection in the field of payment services, and launched a public consultation on the same.
This white paper is intended for both the general public and for payment service professionals and aims to address the main economic, legal, and societal challenges relating to data use in payment services.
The white paper reviews CNIL’s legal guidance on the GDPR in the field of payments and outlines the avenues of support for professionals in this field.
Comments may be submitted until 15 december.
You can read the press release here and the white paper here, both only available in French.
AEPD fines Aconcagua Juedos €10,000 for not having appointed a data protection delegate
The AEPD issued, on 27 september 2021, its decision in proceeding PS/00231/2021, fining Aconcagua Juedos, SA €10,000 for not having a data protection delegate appointed pursuant to Article 37 of the GDPR.
The defendant, a company dedicated to online games, had not appointed a data protection delegate although the privacy policy mentioned the existence of one.
According to the AEPD, the sanction imposed is based on the following aggravated factors;
- the nature and duration of the offence;
- the intentionality and negligence in the offence; and
- the large number of affected interested parties.
You can read the decision, only available in Spanish, here.